Sponsor A Child
For just £15 a month you can give hope to a child.
46 million children in Africa (which is nearly half the school age population), have never set foot in a classroom. Sadly, the smallest expenses are hampering the enrolment numbers at schools. We believe passionately that EVERYONE has the right to an education. It is through education that we believe that we will begin to see change in Africa.
Every child at our schools benefit through the child sponsorship as some of the monthly giving supports the ongoing cost of each child being at school (2 meals a day per child, teaching staff). With the remaining money we ensure that the child’s family get extra focus on support.
Upon setting up your sponsorship we will allocate a child to you. You will receive an up-to-date photo of the child, a letter or drawing (depending on age) from them and the chance to write back to them on an annual basis.
GIRL POWER - Educate a Girl and you educate a generation. An educated girl results in future generations attending school and here at the Memusi Foundation we are taking steps to encourage girls to stay in education with our target that at least 50% of our children being female.
If you would like to sponsor a child please follow the link to our Justgiving page to set up a monthly donation or download the form: https://www.justgiving.com/mhpfuk