Welcome to Memusi Foundation

We work directly with communities & schools in Kenya to provide access to quality education.

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Pretty exciting news ... Memusi have partnered with Days for Girls in our outreach to girls for education of menstrual hygiene and the provision of products that will reduce absence and increase grades for Girls. The added bonus is that this includes partnering with a charity called Smalls for All that also includes underwear!!

As well as continuing to work with Afripads, working with Days for Girls allows us to set up groups here in the UK for the production of items that can be distributed.

So, if you can sew, cut, package and are interested in setting up a group, drop me a message and we can get you going. here is video showing the work of a group in Peebles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGXgmVR6waM&sns=em

Our immediate mission is to reach out to all girls in the Magadi ward to ensure that no girls are missing school.