Welcome to Memusi Foundation

We work directly with communities & schools in Kenya to provide access to quality education.

JustGiving Donate

From Pennies to Pencils

From Pennies To Pencils LogoEvery penny that is donated to us goes a huge way to making a difference to the life of a child.

Find them on the street, down the sides and back of your settee and in pockets or purses.

Within time the pennies collected can be spent to educate children and communities out of poverty through access to FREE school!

The idea is really simple…


  1. Get a jar and put one of our stickers on it.
  2. Start collecting your pennies.
  3. When full, just pay it into the bank and help MEMUSI FOUNDATION to support children into free education.

 Fill A Jar Infographics










Do it on your own, get your kids, your work colleagues, family or your local school involved. The more who collect pennies = the more children going to school.


Look at what your pennies will buy: 

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You can BOOST YOUR COLLECTION by getting creative with some  fundraising ideas: organise a dress down day, have a bake sale perhaps or you can even get sponsored for absolutely anything you like! If you would like some help please get in touch.

11988608 992145104163289 2704718872712777629 N  11081042 910697578974709 8453910075968593587 N  13227069 10153417709761673 4272882432581378060 N

If you would like to get a sticker and an info sheet and start collecting please get in touch at sally@memusifoundation.co.uk  or via the contact page on the website or by completing the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Z3LH25D 

Download the information sheet.

Fill A Jar Infographics
From Pennies To Pencils Logo
11081042 910697578974709 8453910075968593587 N
11988608 992145104163289 2704718872712777629 N
13043741 10156727157695562 2101791979586148834 N
13227069 10153417709761673 4272882432581378060 N
13237748 10157129754170727 4975339501303420473 N
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